Tuesday 14 July 2015

5th Birthday - How to Train your Dragon... and a Ninjago Cake!

Recently there has been a bit of an obsession with Dragons in our household. And to be honest, I haven't minded one bit. I LOVE Toothless. I love the movies, I love the dragons, I love the music - perfectly happy to support this obsession, especially after a couple of years of Minecraft and Superheroes! And so, when my littlest decided that he was having a Dragon party, I encouraged him!

I am so proud of this Toothless. I made him, using this pattern. I didn't know if he was going to work until he was totally finished, and I was so scared that he didn't! But he was perfect, and made my little boy incredibly happy! :)

 The decision to have a Dragons party was made in about March; his birthday isn't until July. So I had several months to think about it, and plan it, and dream big. And dream big, I did!
I posted on Facebook asking for anybody to keep any big sheets of cardboard and boxes and cardboard tubes for me. The local biscuit factory saved me some HUGE boxes. And I booked out the local Scout Hall.
The night before the party, Adam & I went to the hall, armed with boxes and tubes and four rolls of duct tape...
And this is what we built!

A Viking Ship and a castle!
(And we stocked hem both with plastic balls for throwing at each other, too)
We realize that there's no way on Earth we will ever live up to this party again, but oh it was SO much fun. We had an absolute BALL making it, and the kids were just thrilled.
I had also spent a great deal of time in the previous weeks making Viking Hats and shields from cardboard, painting them, and cutting out emblems so the children could make their own personalized shields.
I took some face paints to the party too, and a sheet of pictures of the Dragon Riders' war paint for them to choose from.

Adam built a catapult, and I sourced some stuffed toy sheep from the local charity shop. They had to launch the sheep over the boat using the catapult! :)

And then... the food!
I had fun with this!

  Viking Ships - half pieces of French stick with sails in toothpicks!
Dragon Teeth - Milk Bottle Sweets
An assortment of Sheep - some were marshmallows dipped in chocolate with mini smarties for eyes & ears, and the others were biscuits with chocolate buttons for faces.

 Dragon Nests - chocolate Cornflake Nests like we make at Easter
Dragon Eggs - Grapes and Jelly Beans
Dragon Legs - Mini Sausages

Fireballs - Cheese balls!
Dragon Scales - Doritos and Plain Tortilla Chips

Viking Shields - Party Rings
Dragon Food - Fish & Chip crackers
Dragon Drool - Juice
Plus I made Viking Ship biscuits and Dragon shaped Biscuits too!

The piñata was a simple dragon's egg - because I filled it with tiny baby dragon stuffed toys, as well as the normal sweeties (and bouncy balls are great for a piñata too!)
The cake!
I followed this YouTube tutorial for a basic plan. My normal cake would be far too fluffy & hard to sculpt so instead I made a double cake batch, crumbled it and mixed it with frosting as if I were making cake pops, then used the resulting mixture like play doh to mould the cake into the right shape before icing. It was a very dense cake but most of the kids still liked it! :)

And of course, he needed a cake on his Birthday at home, so seeing as the other current obsession is Lego Ninjago, I thought I'd have a go at that! It was easy as anything - just a standard layer cake, with ready to roll yellow icing first, then a layer of green icing (I did have to colour that as I had run out of green!) with some extras draped carefully to look like fabric - made for one very happy and surprised little birthday boy. :)


Monday 13 July 2015

7th Birthday - Mostly Minions... also a Joker and some Fruit Kebabs!

The Minion Cake!
This was surprisingly easy; just really, a LOT bigger than I expected. I had the dome shape for the top, so that kind of determined what size the minion was. See the picture below.... that is 4 layers plus the dome. And the layers are all normal cake tin size! :o
However... it WAS cool.

I made Minion cupcakes for their party bags

And Minion Biscuits for the feast!

The big bowl to the left is just mixed up breakfast cereal with smarties; a special snack-time favourite of my kiddies, and a special request from the birthday girl!
Most of this is standard party food - pizza, chopped veggies, crisps, popcorn (in minion-eyed French Fry boxes), biscuits, sweeties and fruit salad. The wine glasses are yellow and purple jello. :-)

After food we had a wee craft - I had prepped a ton of toilet roll holders and cut out loads of eyes and accessories on sticker paper.

Even the boys enjoyed this activity - and this is what they made!

Our other main game (other than pass the parcel!) was this one:

We had two purple minion toys which they threw at the stack of yellow minions. The yellow minions are baby formula tins, wrapped in yellow paper and decorated. :) They really loved this!
I didn't want the kids to have to beat up a yellow minion for the piñata so decided to go purple instead, they are baddies after all! :)

Here are my three minions! (The glasses were in the piñata!)

For her actual Birthday, I had to live up to her big brother's standard again so I made fruit kebabs and stuck them into a half melon for her class. It looked very impressive and everyone thought I'd put in a huge amount of effort - there were 20 kebabs and including all of the chopping it probably only took about an hour to make them all. I left them lying flat until just before taking them into her class when I stuck them all in.

And lastly, her birthday cake at home on her birthday night - she has a strange infatuation with the Joker, so I made a brownie and just used pre-coloured rolling icing to decorate him as the Lego Joker. It wasn't the prettiest job I've ever done because I had very little purple icing, and couldn't for the life of me manage to make more with the colours I had, but she was happy! :)

Sunday 12 July 2015

10th Birthday - Fruit Cake, Pancake Cake and Minecraft!

Nothing makes this boy happier than a fruit cake! As it happened, his class were doing a sponsored walk to the nearby forestry park on his birthday so I drove down there to meet them to give them this cake for a wee energy boost before walking back to school! :)
What I started with!

The base layer


 Cake #2 - Pancakes layered with nutella
And a Minecraft Cake for his 'party' which again was just a few friends over for swimming and a movie. :) It's chocolate cake squares, Victoria sponge squares, tiffin (with no fruit) squares and rice krispie squares, and jello, also cut into squares for the water! A few toothpicks to hold it in place, and they could just help themselves to bite sized pieces - perfect!

4th Birthday - Batman!

For this birthday cake I found a YouTube Tutorial and I think it turned out not too badly!

 I made bat-shaped sugar cookies - I did mean to ice them but didn't have time... but they were actually delicious and very more-ish like this!

My biggest time-commitment was this: I made each child their own cape, black on the top and different colours inside. I made more than enough for everyone so they could all have a good choice of colours... and made a couple of teensy ones for baby siblings who came too! :)

Our venue was in the soft play hall, and the children loved jumping off of things to make their capes 'fly'
The party feast included batman cupcakes, bat-shaped sandwiches and the bat biscuits, as well as lots of my littlest's favourite foods.


We finished the party off with a pull-string bat piñata!