Sunday 12 July 2015

10th Birthday - Fruit Cake, Pancake Cake and Minecraft!

Nothing makes this boy happier than a fruit cake! As it happened, his class were doing a sponsored walk to the nearby forestry park on his birthday so I drove down there to meet them to give them this cake for a wee energy boost before walking back to school! :)
What I started with!

The base layer


 Cake #2 - Pancakes layered with nutella
And a Minecraft Cake for his 'party' which again was just a few friends over for swimming and a movie. :) It's chocolate cake squares, Victoria sponge squares, tiffin (with no fruit) squares and rice krispie squares, and jello, also cut into squares for the water! A few toothpicks to hold it in place, and they could just help themselves to bite sized pieces - perfect!

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