Saturday, 11 July 2015

9th Birthday - Three Cakes - Fruit, Pinata and Lego!

So the time finally came that my biggest boy was too old for a 'themed' party. :( However, after the success of his fruit cake last year, I thought I would surprise him by making one on his birthday this year and taking it in to school for his class to share at snack time. :-)

He is an absolute fruit-a-holic so nothing made him happier than this cake! <3

Of course we needed a cake for home too.... so I thought I'd try a piñata cake, filled with smarties!

And finally, he did have a small party on the day after his birthday; we went swimming then back to the house for pizza, party food and some TV or video games or something like that with 3 friends. He didn't give me ANY ideas for his cake at all so I went with a lego theme.

First I baked the cake, but I needed a hollowed out cake so I put a silicone baking loaf tray in the middle of my cake while baking it. (The cake is two types marbled, that's what the lines are)

Once baked, I covered the exterior with chocolate lego pieces (I bought a mold on eBay then coloured white chocolate for the top pieces) and bought some cheap minifigures to decorate.

Blue Jell-O (sourced on eBay as you can't get it in UK stores!) for the water (which I had set in the silicone tray used for the mold when baking, to get the right size)

It was a hit, and the boys loved just helping themselves to the pieces of Lego and jelly! :)

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