Sunday 12 July 2015

4th Birthday - Batman!

For this birthday cake I found a YouTube Tutorial and I think it turned out not too badly!

 I made bat-shaped sugar cookies - I did mean to ice them but didn't have time... but they were actually delicious and very more-ish like this!

My biggest time-commitment was this: I made each child their own cape, black on the top and different colours inside. I made more than enough for everyone so they could all have a good choice of colours... and made a couple of teensy ones for baby siblings who came too! :)

Our venue was in the soft play hall, and the children loved jumping off of things to make their capes 'fly'
The party feast included batman cupcakes, bat-shaped sandwiches and the bat biscuits, as well as lots of my littlest's favourite foods.


We finished the party off with a pull-string bat piñata!

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