Monday, 13 July 2015

7th Birthday - Mostly Minions... also a Joker and some Fruit Kebabs!

The Minion Cake!
This was surprisingly easy; just really, a LOT bigger than I expected. I had the dome shape for the top, so that kind of determined what size the minion was. See the picture below.... that is 4 layers plus the dome. And the layers are all normal cake tin size! :o
However... it WAS cool.

I made Minion cupcakes for their party bags

And Minion Biscuits for the feast!

The big bowl to the left is just mixed up breakfast cereal with smarties; a special snack-time favourite of my kiddies, and a special request from the birthday girl!
Most of this is standard party food - pizza, chopped veggies, crisps, popcorn (in minion-eyed French Fry boxes), biscuits, sweeties and fruit salad. The wine glasses are yellow and purple jello. :-)

After food we had a wee craft - I had prepped a ton of toilet roll holders and cut out loads of eyes and accessories on sticker paper.

Even the boys enjoyed this activity - and this is what they made!

Our other main game (other than pass the parcel!) was this one:

We had two purple minion toys which they threw at the stack of yellow minions. The yellow minions are baby formula tins, wrapped in yellow paper and decorated. :) They really loved this!
I didn't want the kids to have to beat up a yellow minion for the piñata so decided to go purple instead, they are baddies after all! :)

Here are my three minions! (The glasses were in the piñata!)

For her actual Birthday, I had to live up to her big brother's standard again so I made fruit kebabs and stuck them into a half melon for her class. It looked very impressive and everyone thought I'd put in a huge amount of effort - there were 20 kebabs and including all of the chopping it probably only took about an hour to make them all. I left them lying flat until just before taking them into her class when I stuck them all in.

And lastly, her birthday cake at home on her birthday night - she has a strange infatuation with the Joker, so I made a brownie and just used pre-coloured rolling icing to decorate him as the Lego Joker. It wasn't the prettiest job I've ever done because I had very little purple icing, and couldn't for the life of me manage to make more with the colours I had, but she was happy! :)

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